JEE AME (aircraft maintenance engineering) Avionics and Mechanical
The Aeronautical
Maintenance Technical Program trains professionals with skills for work in the
field of commercial aircraft and Aeroplanemaintenance.
After this program one can easily get the AMElicense. In this way, the graduate will
be prepared to perform with high quality standards, required in the world of
aircraft maintenance and systems.
What is Avionics and Mechanical? And Difference
of Avionics and Mechanical? Explain
What is Aeronautical Engineering?
The aerospace engineering is a branch of
engineering that studies the aircraft; encompasses the areas of current
aeronautical engineering. Aerospace engineering train engineers with the fundamental
knowledge in the various disciplines of Aeronautical Engineering, which allow
them to perform efficiently in the fields of: research, design, construction,
installation, operation, maintenance and administration of aircraft systems, as
well as the operation of the support infrastructure of companies and
institutions in the air transport sector.